Thursday, November 3, 2011


Matthew 20:30 Two blind men were sitting beside the road. When they heard that Jesus was coming that way, they began shouting, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!”
 31 “Be quiet!” the crowd yelled at them.
   But they only shouted louder, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!”
 32 When Jesus heard them, he stopped and called, What do you want me to do for you?”
 33 “Lord,” they said, “we want to see!” 34 Jesus felt sorry for them and touched their eyes. Instantly they could see! Then they followed him.

So yesterday we saw as Bartimaeus desired to be healed and it was his FAITH that healed him and his response was to then follow Jesus down the road.   We don't hear how far or for how long that he followed our Lord, but here in this account Jesus has compassion on two blind men, touches & heals them, and they too instantly follow Him.   So again...we see that GOD's will is that we would follow His Son after being healed.   My question to you is, while you MAY NOT BE PERFECT, but yet delivered or healed from something........ARE YOU STILL FOLLOWING CHRIST?

It's simple.....are  you reaching out to those that you know are blind to HIS LOVE, HIS MERCY, HIS COMPASSION, HIS FORGIVENESS?   These are all the things that are demonstrated BY CHRIST when He heals someone.....are you loving, merciful, compassionate, and forgiving or ARE YOU STILL BLIND?

TODAY you will be scheduled many DIVINE appointments (opportunities where CHRIST will put you in midst of select people (at the gas station, grocery store, your job, waiting in a line) and HE is watching to see how you communicate HIS LOVE, MERCY, COMPASSION, FORGIVENESS, GRACE to those around.....maybe it's taking someone's shopping cart to the cart collector, or helping the elderly load their groceries, or maybe it's checking on a neighbor, or HERE's ONE.....don't chime in on the complaining in line...but rather turn it into a GOD moment.  LGLP

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